Monday, June 2, 2008

Denver Zoo at One-ish

Since I'm pretty new at this blog thing I thought I'd put in some of the cool things we've done in the past two years. Here we are with a visit to the Zoo from Summer 2007. Ethan was 1+ and he didn't mind being carried in the pack. At two? Well, that's a different story!

This turned out to be a really great picture of Ethan peeking over Josh's shoulder wearing sunglasses just like Daddy.

The Bison didn't catch Ethan's attention as much as a little chipmunk that some kids were trying to feed. It's amazing how the tiny animals can capture the attention before the giant animals.
For whatever reason, we didn't take any pictures of the Polar Bears, maybe they were just sleeping, that is usually how we see them. Pretty crazy how big they are huh?

The Mountain Goats had babies which I thought was very cool, Ethan didn't seem to notice them at all, not even the Ram that was down close to us. Oh well.

One of his favorite things is chasing the Peacocks. I try to keep him from doing it but it's pretty hard when other parents aren't so concerned about the welfare of the poor birds! These guys just wander around the Zoo among the visitors.

Some of Ethan's other favorite animals are the Giraffes. He could stand watching them for quite a long time which is pretty amazing considering he's got the attention span of a Gnat!

The Zoo is so big that most of the time we only got to 1/2 of it before the inevitable total meltdown. We have a membership though, and it makes going back over and over again cheaper.

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