Wednesday, November 4, 2009

November 20, 2009 - D-Day

Well, here we are again.  Josh has had a sometimes part-time sometimes over-time job for several months now.  Working construction is not his thing and he desperately hates the job but it is work and that means money coming in to support us.  As of November 20th, 2009, he will again be unemployed.  The airport is shutting down work for the season on that date.  

I posted earlier tonight on Facebook: "Ok, so supposedly the recession is over. How come Josh still doesn't have a job and our time of shit in life isn't over? This effing sucks. Can someone please make it all go away?".  This doesn't even begin to express how desperate I feel right now.  How completely terrified I am right now.  To all of you who wrote notes of encouragement, I appreciate it but really. After 13 months for my husband having no real job to speak of we are at the end of our rope. I can honestly say I've not been so scared about my future since my Grandmother (Healy) died leaving me an orphan once again. But it is worse now because I have a beautiful little boy sleeping in the next room to consider. We've put our lives on hold for over a year.

On the off chance that anyone out there knows of ANYONE, ANYWHERE hiring....please let me know. Josh has a degree in Geology with 5 years experience in the Oil and Gas field. 3 of those years in management. If you'd like a copy of his resume to pass along to someone you know, please just tell me and I will email it to you.

I know it isn't going to get better over night but I've been patient for 13 months now. My patience is wearing very thin.

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