Tuesday, January 25, 2011

One Month Old

Cora Jade is now 1 Month old!

Isn't she just too dang cute oxygen and all???

Ethan holding Cora before swim lessons.

She is still doing some "Newborn" things:
still wearing newborn sized clothes, sleeping loads, pooping loads and nursing loads (not necessarily in that order).

She is also doing some new stuff:
smiling at us (not just the sleep smiles), sleeping for longer stretches at night and sucking a pacifier (that isn't my boob)

Though she's spent nearly 1/3 of her short life in the hospital Cora is very well.  Growing just as she should and changing every day.  We love her to pieces and our family is a little closer to being complete.  If you ask Josh, our family IS complete....let's see who wins this one :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Awww....look at her with the little oxygen tube. Super sweet.